About Me


Thank you for being here. I am Phyo Phyo.

A Bit About Me

I came from a lovely, humble family in Myanmar.

I have had a miraculous journey thanks to many kind people.

In 2012, I received a generous full-tuition scholarship to study at Berea College. In 2016, I obtained a Bachelor of Arts with double majors in Chemistry and Computer Science.

I then joined the Fourches lab at North Carolina State University in 2016 August. I completed my Ph.D. in Chemistry (Cheminformatics) from the Department of Chemistry in May 2020.

About the blog

Below are some things I will focus on writing in this blog.

Personal Experiences

First, I want to share my story with those from third-world countries like Myanmar to give hope and inspiration. Given the right opportunities, anyone can achieve their dreams beyond humble beginnings with a lot of hard work and dedication.

I believe in Karma wherein a good amount of work can yield a high success rate. Some blogs I write will have some social commentary drawn from personal experiences and upbringing.

I will be honest and truthful in what I write. But please note it is a relative truth written from the lens through which I see the world. I hope that young underprivileged kids will get inspired to go after their dreams despite societal, and gender limitations.

I may write some entirely random blogs on life updates or experiences. I hope you use my reflections and suggestions as you see fit in your lives.

Tips, Tutorials & Thoughts on Cheminformatics

Secondly, I will share some tips on Cheminformatics techniques in the context of drug discovery. I am passionate about Cheminformatics. My research areas include molecular informatics, computer-aided drug design, machine learning (Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship; QSAR modeling), and molecular docking.

I have developed cheminformatics approaches/software to generate virtual chemical libraries and chemical databases. I have also done some work in the analysis and visualization of big chemical databases.

Article Discussions

Thirdly, I will blog discussions or summaries of recently published research articles. I also welcome scientists or students to come forward and contribute their opinions and thoughts in a respectful manner. I think such discussions will greatly benefit those with a humble heart to learn.

Please note that I may make mistakes along the way just like anyone. I think learning from them and improving them is what matters.

Cheers! I wish you a great day ahead!

Warm regards,

Phyo Phyo